Harbeth woofers struggling to keep up and becoming compressed seems to be online urban legend rather than how they truly sound in practice- at least the latest versions.
I have to disagree on the urban legend notion, unless Harbeth has made a relatively recent unpublished revision to their woofers.
The C7s really struggled to keep the music together at anything higher than moderate levels in my large room. Sounded almost like a voice coil bottoming, like one hears from an underdamped driver with a low x-max. Contrast that to my Stirling SB-88s which had zero issue playing to uncomfortable SPLs in the same room. The latter have a significantly larger woofer diameter but smaller cabinet.
The P3ESR SEs I demoed also sounded compressed above moderate levels (~ 85db). That was in a smaller room.
A quick search around the web reveals a few reports of busted Radial drivers. Of course, it could be that those owners were simply careless, but I'm not surprised by the pics of cracked cones and disbonded suspensions based on my auditions. All I know for certain is that I would be very cautious of the SPLs if I owned a pair.