Never Spend More On Cables Than Your Equipment Cost$$$$$$$$$$

Another interesting read and I agree!

Not a flat earther and cables can make a difference but sticking a $600.00 PC on a $699.00 DAC is a freaking waste of money. IMHO.

As one of my racing instructors Fast Freddy Spencer used to say "Gotta have the apple before you can polish it" .

Spend the money on front end then upgrade your cables.

Just me thinking out loud.



Somewhat agree I would not go out of my way or intentionally seek a cable costing as much or more than a component. Most components typically have a power cable and a IC or digital cable connecting, and if a preamp there may be several IC’s that equal or surpass the cost. In my system only my DAC has associated cables exceeding its cost, but because I pulled my preamp out of the chain and feeding my DAC directly to my amp(s) and I’m very impressed and not sure I’ll roll my preamp back in until I want to spin vinyl. I think with a lower level of cables I would not be as impressed, but the more expensive cables are letting my DAC play to its full capability. This is my DAC and current cables.


RME ADI 2fs DAC w/Teddy Pardo LPS w/SR Orange. Nordost Frey 2 2M Balance IC, Nordost Silver Shadow spdif and WyWires Silver Juice II Digital PC. So I’m guessing the cables here are 2X the price but it sounds great.

Like so many of the audio "truths" we throw around, the one that says cables should only cost 10% of your system is overly simplistic, IMO. Yes - when you are buying a new system and you have a limited budget, I totally agree that you should spend 90% on the components. No question. But after you have stuff you really like and want to bring out it’s full potential, I think it’s a good idea to at least try some relatively expensive cables after you have saved up some additional funds. Although I’ve been involved in high-end audio since the Dahlquist/Ampzilla days, I never experimented with more expensive cables until recently and I was very surprised by the amount of improvement that can be gained with better cables. For example, I am currently using a $1500 Purist Neptune IC on a 5K amp/dac combo and I was amazed at the improvement over a very decent Black Cat IC. As I said, if I were building the system from scratch, I would not have done it that way, but I really liked the DAC and amp and was curious to see what a good cable could do. And it did a lot. Just my opinion, but at least it's based on first-hand experience, not something I read.

PS - I just did some quick math and, despite the admittedly expensive IC, I’m only into about 20% of my system for cables. Probably because I don’t have room for heavy power cords. So I don’t feel so bad now. Boy, this stuff adds up fast, don’t it?

@jerryg123 RE: ....

but sticking a $600.00 PC on a $699.00 DAC is a freaking waste of money. IMHO.

So here’s the problem with this particular train of thought...

  • to start with that "$699 DAC" seldom had a "substantial power supply", because the power supply is often the most overlooked and underestimated part of any "budget component"
  • it does not have the capability of handling transient spikes in music
  • it does not have the capability of handling the dynamic nature of music
  • all of which detract from the overall sound of that component
  • poor imaging is often a direct result

Using a really good power cable - and there are some out there starting around $350 - will improve the performance of a component far beyond what a stock power cable can achieve

  • Cables like those from Zavfino, use UP-OCC copper, which offer exceptional dynamic perofrmance
  • replenishing that energy used in the reproduction of music is critical to achieving excellent perofrmance
  • Cable geometry lowers the noise floor making for a much quieter musical rendering
  • using the right Insulations also lower the noise floor resulting in improved sound

Whereas - the amplifier has a much more robust power supply

  • it is more able to handle those transient peaks and generally offers superior dynamic perofrmance
  • but you can still improve performance with the right power cable
  • unfortunately, because of their heavier duty power supply, many amps do require even better quality power cable than that used for a source component

Todays electronics tend to perform much better than their power supplies allow. So using a good quality power cable can make a significant perofrmance improvement

I know this after many years of fabricating my own power cables and applying them to a variety of components,.e.g..

  • my $250 Yamaha Mini System
  • my Bluesound portable streaming speaker
  • my Bluesound Node 2 streamer
  • my Bifrost DAC
  • my Nami 5i amplifer
  • my Simaudio Moon phono stage
  • my Bryston B135 amp
  • and friends audio systems exceeding $70k

All of these benefitted from cable upgrades

Of course - if your other cables (i.e. speaker and interconnect) are not of a similar quality then you will probably have more difficulty hearing the improvements a power cable upgrade might make

I have come to realize that my cables are as important as my components, because they allow each component to operate at peek performance

I realize this may sound counter intuitive, and if I hadn’t tried it for myself, I might believe the same as yourself.

But I have spent many years investigating cable designs and actually proving (to myself and friends willing to listen) what makes a good cable.

Commercial products from Zavfino are a very good place to start because their entry level cables are affordable and they work because they know how to make a very good cable - their UP-OCC cables offer exceptional perofrmance

Hope that helps - Steve


@williewonka - just got Zavfino cables for my new speakers a few weeks ago, and they're great - you are right - excellent cable value for money! Never heard of 'em until this forum....