fredrick222, you're pretty friggin smart. When it comes to WHO pays for what. Things change don't they?
WHY am I getting a 100,000 bill and HE pays nothing.. HE was vaccinated.. PERIOD. What a concept. You have to pay for your OWN sins, even though there was an alternative that at least relieved some of the symptoms, pain, suffering, spreading and COST..
Being right in your own mind is fine. Trying to convince me that you know what your talking about, is good for anyone else, has to have a consequence. The word is a pretty powerful thing if the same BS gets said over and over. There is no POLIO or Hansen's disease, or Cholera or Diphtheria or ......... I wonder why?
Did they get it right every single time. 1000 failures to get a single vaccine? 20, 30, 100,000. vs 7.9 billion..
The world is a BIG place with lots of people. NOT just the neighbor across the street you HATE.. Mercy, mighty small thinkin'
BTW Martians invaded the White House and painted it RED. Now what is more important. Getting along or Getting it ON!! I'm game!!!