Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.


You completely reverse the situation...

What is unethical is the imposition of an experimental vaxx , with no verified study of his effectiveness, with no informed consent because the companies dont even reveal the content in the vaxx, in a totalitarian way to ALL INDISCRIMINATELY which is scientifically pure stupidity...

And there you go dividing people using a complete insane politic to separate them coming from a TV set news... ..

Justifying all that with simplistic common place final argument you must pay for your behavior... Incredible deep thinking indeed...

And you declared any scientist incompetent if he dont repeat Fauci...

i wish you the best...

As soon as someone brings up accountability, you freak out.

it is not accountability that make me freak out it is stupidity...

Do you know how much people died in US because of the politic of Fauci only mandated forced remdesivir treatment which is toxic and intubation in the wrong way which is a fact proved , no basic low cost treatment they were all banned ... We wait for the vaxx said Fauci and the idiot Trump and the Biden fool repeated it.....

No you dont...

i give many arguments here you never answer one ...

Not one...

You repeated a POLITICAL mantra: not vaccinated must die...


Someone who give arguments may be wrong, but he cannot be called stupid especially if the arguments are not totally meaningless...But someone like you and Neil Young unable to give ONE argument and who repeat political slogan are in hypnosis to say the less offensive word....

Dont answer you will repeat the same song: "accountability", without even knowing WHO has written this slogan  tune...

And dont accuse me of repeating, i give MANY arguments and i can all explaining them ONE BY ONE but you cannot see even only one argument in my post so much you are under a trance...

I am freak out by the like of Neil Young and you... Yes...



In 2020, the population of Canada was estimated to be 38.01 million people. So therefore with 23.2 million people having had at least one dose, that leaves 14.8 million people who are unvaccinated.


I have a grand brand spanking new idea..... you pay for whatever services you use, vaccinated or unvaccinated. Anyone... 2 years into this farce, that is still scared of croaking,  can stay home, wear 50 masks, get jabbed 500 times, jump off a cliff for all I care. I, for one, am done playing along, your health is your responsibility...... if even after taking 50 shots, you can die by being breathed on by someone else, take it up with Pfizer, not children that have the rest of their lives in front of them.

Tested Tidal extensively and compared to Qobuz. Qobuz from a sound perspective is the better platform. Listening through a highly resolving system it is very clear. Qobuz does not compress. It is the closest sound to good cd of the services I’ve auditioned over a period of months.

 @mahgister please: Just one word answer.

two people come into the ER. One due through no fault of his own walking down the street getting hit by a bus, and one with Covid who refused to get a vaccine for no reason other than ignorance, stupidity, stubbornness, selfishness, or supposed political affiliation. There is one bed. Who should get it? The one who was most likely a preventable case or the one with a accident/emergency. 

Medical personnel in hospitals are sick of hearing the unvaccinated regretting (or in the more insane cases, not regretting) their decision and are treating them with little sympathy.