Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.


@fredrik222 how much do you weigh Fredrick?

Do you have any idea how dumb your argument is?

I literally just asking you to live with the consequences of your choice, be accountable. It is however funny to see how hysterical you get.

Everyone in the hospital is there as a CONSEQUENCE of all the choices they make in their lives. Covid doesn’t just fall out of the sky...

80% of covid hospitalizations are of the Obese, all hospitalizations have on average 4 other chronic diseases.

You really wanna play this game?

People like you that are callously making judgements about who should get to live or die are the very embodiment of a true psychopath.

The herd has gone MAD. 

Psychopaths show a lack of feelings towards people in general; they are cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate and tactless (Hare, 1999).

This lack of empathy is the base of many of their characteristics—pathological lying, shallow emotions, chilling violence, shamelessness, egocentricity, lack of remorse, deceitfulness, manipulation, etc.

With their empathy effectively switched “off ”, they callously think only about themselves.

It appears that having no empathy arises from abnormalities in the empathy circuit of the brain, leaving psychopaths underdeveloped in empathic responses. Therefore, they can be single-minded and callous, and indifferent to the rights and sufferings of others. They are as emotionally famished as androids. Without the ability to experience real emotional attachments, they have no sense of moral duty to anyone beyond their own self-interests.

They treat the vulnerable with disdain because psychopaths see vulnerability as weakness. To them, whoever is weak deserves to be exploited. Unbelievably, they can justify their actions, and even rationalize that they, in some way, are in fact the victim. This lack of empathy allows them to dehumanize people into mere objects to be manipulated.


@oldhvymec I suggest you sell some of your music equipment, and get at least a dozen of these immediately. 


I haven't been sick with anything other than heart attacks behind blood clots in my heart and lung. Stupid me! I wasn't on any type of heart med or BP med or thinner. POW!

I was putting up a fence and a 6x6 post from the local lumber yard was being delivered at the time. The delivery guy lost his grip and bingo, that 60+ lb 10ft 6x6 hit the back of my knee and I buckled (can't imagine why CLIPPING 15 yards)

3 days later I'm having heart attacks non stop for over 40 hours.. Covid has everything in full lock down.

The back of my leg looked like my stay in the 4 x 4ft home away from home in Panama 30+ years ago.  It took me a while to learn to shut my mouth, they beat me daily. I wouldn't shut up.. Still won't. I hope that guys lips fell off for beating me.. I forgave him.. Took a while though..

Me and the GOOD Lord got in the NY minute mode a few times over the years, never once have I EVER felt alone.. Buddy I been in some tight spots too.

IF I wouldn't have been taking malaria meds and been thoroughly immunized I would not have made it period.. To many guys in that place were being lost to hepatitis, malaria or amoebic dysentery. They did have the he/she's separated but sexually transmitted diseases were a killer too at the time. The beating were almost worth the segregation from some of the perverts.. Almost.. I never had a problem. Mechanics have VICE grips. I grab it, it comes OFF.. :-)


You resemble him now accusing me of being hypocrit instead of arguments.. you go too far...

He is not a psychopath..

Please restrain yourself here...

i apologize to be rude but i was speaking with him and i dont like that someone, agreeing with some of my arguments , accuse him falsely..

i write that because i dont want to be ASSOCIATED with your accusation toward him...

No ad hominem arguments make sense...

The brains of the population conformed by political slogans are not the brain of psychopath...

I dont want that he think i think so at all....

People like you that are callously making judgements about who should get to live or die are the very embodiment of a true psychopath





@yuviarora lol, I was waiting for you to jump in. Again, if you really believe all the crap you post, and that the vaccines doesn’t work, you shouldn’t have an issue waiting your turn and pay for the health care related to COVID since you don’t believe that vaccine works or rather, they make it worse. 

again, put your health and money where your mouth is. I am not asking anyone to do anything against their beliefs, just live with the consequences of their choices. But that is too much. 


who mandated the lockdowns? You think you were the only one that suffered through these last two years?

You think "because" you suffered, that now it makes it okay for you to wish death on everyone that is making a different medical decision than you?

You are going to hate me for saying this, but it needs to be said......Man the F up, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and stop crying about your lot in life.

I know people that had to suffer their loved ones dying scared, alone, with no one around to even give them a glass of water, stuck in nursing homes....because this psychotic government imprisoned them for their own safety.

Sons forced to watch their Mothers wither away from the other side of a window. Bodies cremated before their families could say their last goodbyes.


I didn’t support any of these lockdowns, not even when the news was lying about the death rate being 8%,......but I bet You Did.


so stop fishing for sympathy, there can be no reason strong enough to justify what you people are doing here.