Best Bang for the Buck Upgrade

So I have an unexpected bonus coming my way and may want to dedicate a portion of it to a system upgrade. Let's say 5-7k. Current system is Pioneer S-1ex speakers, Cambridge CXC transport, Musical Fidelity A1008 integrated, Burson Composer 3xp dac. Cables are mid grade nothing fancy but better than stock. Not really interested in streaming at the moment.

So for a descent chunk of change what should I be looking at? If I sold the speakers I could probably go up to 10k for another pair (used always) but I really don't think I have come close yet to maxing out the potential of these Pioneers (tad). 


Without a doubt, the Best Bang for the buck is $349 for High Fidelity Cables NPS 1260! Even only applying it to the phono IC, the improvement in SQ is stunning.

Hard to imagine but HFC is introducing NPS Q45T saying it is twice as effective.

Boy, do I believe these guys. Ordering some when it comes out this Tuesday.

The little I applied of the old stuff resulted in an amazing increase in “realness”.

Every record now is more gripping than ever! Can’t wait for the new.

It is hard to imagine better B for the B.

I think it really depends on what state your system is in. If you have the end game speakers you love them I think DAC and the source (network player). 

Ha. I am definitely not end game anything! Probably never will be. Always lookin. 

There are "Purists" and there are people who just have fun and enjoy the "Music" and not the "electronics....The Schiit Loki mini and Lokius can tailor, for a few hundred bucks, your system to make every album sound great no matter the quality of the recording...They are called "Don't say the words".........Tone Controls!!!!...I've been ready to sell different speakers and amps , but after adding the $149 Loki....I'm keeping them because I can mold the sound of each component....and it's fun being your systems "mastering man". ...I even bought a second one just incase the first one breaks. My system cost over $12,000 and this little $149 beauty changes the whole Hi Fi game....I'm getting the most enjoyment out of my music, Now.