pre-amp processor

i'm trying to decide between the  Lyngdorf MP-60 2.1 

and the Acurus ACT 4 any thoughts and information woul be of great help

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I don't need the phono stage.

My thoughts were that the Acurus is both hardware and software upgradeable I don't think the Lyngdorf is I don't want to have to keep buying new units every few years. 

The add above is from a dealer

You can communicate with the dealer through USAudio mart

Just ask him about the upgradability of the Lyngdrof


If Lyngdrof MP 60 2.1 is hardware and firmware upgradeable ( the later , I am sure ) the 3000$ rebate will pay you the next hardware upgrade .



Lyngdorf MP 40 upgrade to 2.1 Febuary 01 2021

So the Lyngdorf processors are ´´ hardware upgradebeable ´´



´´ The processor 2.1 upgrade program offered to current owners will be similar to the upgrade program that is offered for Lyngdorf MP-60 and Steinway & Sons P300. ´´