pre-amp processor

i'm trying to decide between the  Lyngdorf MP-60 2.1 

and the Acurus ACT 4 any thoughts and information woul be of great help


The add above is from a dealer

You can communicate with the dealer through USAudio mart

Just ask him about the upgradability of the Lyngdrof


If Lyngdrof MP 60 2.1 is hardware and firmware upgradeable ( the later , I am sure ) the 3000$ rebate will pay you the next hardware upgrade .



Lyngdorf MP 40 upgrade to 2.1 Febuary 01 2021

So the Lyngdorf processors are ´´ hardware upgradebeable ´´



´´ The processor 2.1 upgrade program offered to current owners will be similar to the upgrade program that is offered for Lyngdorf MP-60 and Steinway & Sons P300. ´´


Thanks for all the input it looks like I'm being steered towards the Lyngdorf rather than the Acurus. I'm going to take all the advice I've been given and go that route.

Thanks again


I ordered the Lyngdorf mp-60 2.1

After convercing with the Acurus sales rep about the ACT 4 vs the Lyngdorf he stated that the Lyngdorf was not hardware and software upgradeable, which is false (Lyngdorf contacted me and stated that their product is in fact both hardware and software upgradeable). That statement by the rep made my mind up, you should at least be truthful about the products and rely on the quality of your products to sell themselves.