Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.

Post removed 

Drama queen.  Just stay home and nobody will hurt you.  If they try you are within your rights to defend yourself.  

@mapman You are so far off base it is not even funny. No way I would take that corner with that entry or speed. The United States is not your house. Agon is not your house.

So to restate this is a MANDATE not a LAW.

I am not an anti vaccination person.

I am against a tyrannical government telling me have to have this so called vaccination.

That is between me and my Doctor, not you, me and my Doctor, not you, me, government and my Doctor.

So if you are fat, at risk, old, out of shape or do not want to be vaxxed stay home.

The only crying I here is from and your ilk.

Bet you screamed at the sky too!


You are the one ranting about some mandate on a hifi web site not me. What do you expect us to do? Play  you some soothing music to make you feel better ?