How important is it that all cables come from the same manufacturer?

My cabling needs are (1) Ethernet to server, (2) USB from server to DAC, (3) balanced XLR from DAC to amp, and (4) speaker cables.

All other things being equal, should all cables be from the same manufacturer?

Same with power cords. Is there a problem using different brand cords with different components, all other things being equal?

PS, I know all other things are never equal, but trying to isolate the “mixing brands” issue to assist in decision-making.





I like to mix and match. However,there are some folks that love a certain house sound,and that’s what they like. I don’t think there is a wrong answer. Do what floats your sonic boat. 

I have tried many different combinations. In general, different are absolutely fine. I have been fortunate enough to have components that are perfectly neutral, matched and exactly this is what I want to have come out, so as transparent as possible. So Transparent brand are perfect. a full weave of these is perfect and complimentary. However, even with this. I found a Cardas power cord was better for the amp.

Ideally your components are complementary. Because if you add a first interconnect that attenuates the highs a bit, then the second attenuates the bass a bit. Now as you go through you may be balancing the sound but reducing the detail.