Forget anything about marketing and of course Krell 175 doesn’t have 175 Watt Class A, even most of Pass Labs amps don’t. Normally you will have 20-30W Class A, producing a heat of more than 100-150W for that kind of power. I doubt there is a good cheap Pure Class A out there, because design, materials and heat dissipation will make it heavy and expensive.
There are some reasonably priced designs upto 10W but then you have to go with horns.
For speakers, if you choose SE (and for Class A IMHO only SE(T) has a meaning), not only they must be sensitive but also an "easy" load. Try to find a dealer that has such an amp and go and listen to it. You might not like it, or you may become enthusiastic about it (I am and cannot go back to anything else).
Regarding dynamics my Hydor 140W pure Class A rocks a house and its dynamics makes you jump from couch. But it is true, most of Pure Class A, due to low power and other compromises needed.