Bob Carver Going Direct.

So BC is following the Raven, PS Audio business model.

Interesting bit about how he subs out the build of his amplifiers.



@nyc_ben : No - but I think he'd like one last statement product to be remembered by. I wonder how good those 20 - tube monoblocs are? 900 watts! I wish he would bring back the Amazing Loudspeaker from the early 90's! They were jaw-dropping good! And $3K a pair!

Hopefully this is in reaction to the poor build quality of the Crimson 275 which was farmed out to Wyred 4 Sound/Glass Audio. This was revealed in a previous thread in which the OP discovered a PCB glued in place, fuse improperly located, and poor grounding scheme. I’ll bet there were others who complained to Carver about this.

We were told that Bob is semi-retired, I agree with @jasonbourne52 that Bob didn’t want this to be his legacy. He needed to take back control of his product. I hope all these 275 amps are recalled and repaired. I'm a Bob fan and I know he always stood behind his products, especially in later years.


Plan is for Bob to keep designing and manufacturing by others, wyred 4 sound is one of the manufacturers, supply chain is defiantly a  problem. I believe they have some new products in pipe line, I wish them all the best. As far as Crimson 275 goes it still sounds fantastic and they will fix grounding issue.

Take Care

It is a shame that Bob let the quality get away from him by subcontracting.

As another great inventor and businessman once said.

”Never put your name to anything that one day you will be ashamed of”

Henry Timken