Emm Labs DV2 versus Tambaqui

Has anyone heard both of these or better still done a comparison? Which did you prefer?


@laoman You've put together a great list. I like all three of those brands. I have not heard the Pasithea, but I did take the Morpheus for a spin. I'd expect the Pasithea to be (even) quieter and more resolving than the Morpheus. 

On the Mola Mola, I've been using an inexpensive ($100 range) XLR interconnect. The DAC only has XLR analogue outputs, but a pair of nice XLR-RCA adapters are included. I have a pair of honest RCA interconnects, so at some point I'll try the Mola Mola with those and the included adapters.

What system (amps / speakers) will you be slotting the new DAC into?


I don't get what you  mean when you say: ". I’m sure it’s a very good dac, but these underhanded tactics are definitely raising suspicions." Are suggesting some kind of conspiracy?


@laoman Your amp has some similar design principles as mine, but I'm not familiar with the speakers. Hopefully you can home audition from a dealer. If that's not a possibility, if you can buy these on the used market, you can effectively do an extended home audition without incurring too much expense.