Was that GAS or just you Mr tsushima1?
That’s Mr. olhvymec to you and your CRAP attitude. Please leave the site and don’t come back. I really don’t like you or your underhanded buddies..
jassonbourne52 has no hidden agenda he is just hard headed. At least he has enough sense (since cents) to say what he thinks with the hidden BS. I could almost admire george too, if he didn’t cost other people revenue behind his screw ball antics.
You, make most dislike you. That’s a dressing down if you don’t understand, you're a jerk.. Act with kindness and respect or LEAVE. QUIT talking about what you have not tried. Better yet, QUIT posting at all.
You are dismissed now, Go away kid you bother me!!
It was GAS.. ROMP..
Chapter 15 page 245 mid page. There will be a foot note at the bottom referring to you. AHole # 99. Full disclosure here!!