Choice between two different integrated tube amps (SET & PP)

I'm interested in two different integrated amps that I can get locally.

One is the Primaluna Dialogue HP and the other is the Willsenton R800i.

The Primaluna is a PP setup with EL34's and the Willsenton is a SET amp with 805 tubes.  The Primaluna has upgraded pre-amp tubes but stock EL34's, the Willsenton has all stock tubes and the chifi tubes are trash, so would need to be upgraded.  The Primaluna is $3k and the Willsenton is $2k but will need quite a bit spent on new tubes, so they are pretty much the same price.

Anybody have experience with either?  Have read great reviews of each of them.  I'll take other recommendations too but the requirements are a tube integrated under $3k that has home theater bypass.


Anybody have experience with either?  Have read great reviews of each of them. 

Have we ever seen bad reviews? 😁

I got the PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP, used, from a friend who I have gotten other amps from. It seems a bit light on bass, but it was after a change to a new house and room, so I am still working through it. And It’ll probably be better once I get the VandySub hooked up, and the remote is fun to use.

If your example is an integrated, then it seems like it is a different model?

Also I did get some KT120s but have not put them in yet,  so if you get the PL then hold off and you can consider upgrades later. I kind of rushed in, but I might sell it locally, as I have been seriously been considering either Purifi based class-D or Atmasphere.

It was $2k (USD) used and the full tube upgrade was ~1200 AUD (900 USD).

It is definitely good enough, and sounds pretty good. What you are driving them with could help to know. I feel like it is marginal on power and it is rated something like 40W Triode and 80W UL.

There is no dishonour in a demo unit, going slow, or more hand wringing.
I baiscally needed and amp, and this was sitting there, so I got it.

The Willsenton runs 48wpc, so power output may not be issue. I owned PL Dialogue Four, self modded with Takman and MIflex caps, until very recently. I also own 845 and 300B SET amps. High power SET creates lots of heat, heat is enemy of audio components, 48wpc is an awful lot of power for SET vs even the 18-20wpc of 845 tube, so I'd expect even more heat from 805 amp, plus you have active line stage which mean more heat, all on circuit boards within relatively small enclosure. The Willsenton scares me, I like to see point to point, separate line stage or at least passive linestage here. And yep, 1000v is nothing to laugh at, any failures will be catastrophic. If you were intent on SET, I'd prefer Line Magnetic, assuming it has enough wattage for your needs.


The Willsenton could have very nice sound quality, perhaps better than PL, but based on reliability and build quality I'd go with the PL. Any possible issues with PL will also be taken care of by Upscale, very good techs there.

I gave a general endorsement of SET above but I think SNS has some great comments about tube choice, heat and power.

With your very efficient speakers you don't need 48 wpc.  20 is plenty.  LM makes a lot of SET amps with a variety of different tubes that run (at least a little) cooler.  

I would still avoid the PL push pull design. 


LM is another option that I'll look into but I've had a Muzishare integrated which most say is just a LM amp.  We are all talking Chinese amps, which I have no problem with but I don't get how one would be so much better than the other quality wise other than service domestically.  

The LM 805IA is almost the same exact amp as the Willsenton, at least from a casual glance, maybe I'm missing the major differences?

Agree that the PL has better service access if needed. I run KT150 power tubes in my PL and this is a massive sonic difference from the EL34. The PL is built like a tank and I am confident of its long term reliability. I Owned an SET amp for many years and the sonic presentation can be very seductive. However, generally speaking, SET amps require very careful speaker matching