New Synergistic Product: Tuning Discs

I was lucky enough to be asked to try out a prototype of a new Synergistic Research product. For now, I think they are calling it a Tuning disc.

What it looks like is a small wafer (smaller than a dime and is very thin). They are either in gold or purple tops and are attached using some tacking substance. I placed 2 on top of my Shunyata Sigma V2 interconnects.

I wasn’t expecting much but whoa, did these things work! First, I tried the purple on my interconnects and boy did the soundstage widen with lots of air.

Then I tried the gold discs and though the sound stage shrunk perhaps a little but the naturalness of the music was fantastic!


Hard to believe that these things work so well, I am really impressed.




It is remarkable the differences in each item (purple vs gold).

Both versions will have a place in my system.


@dabel . Sure SR Orange fuses, SR PHT and SR ECT.  also one that did work out was the SR XOT Carbon for my QLN speakers.

Again I am not a naysayer and I have an open mind.



I am interested in what you think after you are able to try them. I think you will be surprised (impressed).


@ozzy I am willing to give them shot, though I did say I would not give Ted a dime of my money for his shot at a member here with Asperger. I am a principled man and  have several friends with kids on the spectrum.

It is only $200.00 and I will give them shot once released to the market.

Also have ordered the new Cable Elixir from the HF Cable fellas. Had the old juice and misplaced it...errrr!

@jerryg123 for the record I did not “take a shot” at a nice guy on the spectrum. I responded to an abusive objectivist who was attacking me nonstop on Audiophiles North America on Facebook. The hit piece you referenced was compiled completely out of context. The same guy you are defending physically attacked me at the last AXPONA where police were called and security escorted him out of the building. I forget the guys name, but if I must I’ll find it. He’s notorious and on par with his internet buddy Ethan Weiner.

Ted Denney III— Synergistic Research Inc.