Your single most significant purchase mistake?

Your most significant regret for having bought? Big expectations and an even bigger letdown? The one you kicked yourself the hardest for ever having bight 


There was a recent thread regarding McIntosh and a lot of folks trashed the brand. Interesting that only one mention where someone bought a Mc product and did not like it!!! FWIW I do own and very much like McIntosh.

There are those items I let 'go away' that I regret now.....but one must move onward and up 'different', which is my rationale...or excuse, if one prefers....*s*

One either enjoys 'where you're at', or off into the swap swamp or into the detail dilemmas (cables, ic's, specs vs. reviews vs. 'bench racing' ) and the eternal " costs What?!"

That can kill allurer faster almost as fast as snorting bleach...which, over audio items, is understood but rampantly inconceivable.

I like 'the cheap seats'.....but picky enough to get the good ones... ;)

I have had good luck with a couple of items discussed here.  
1. I was a very happy owner of NHT3.3, after pairing them with what seemed to be the right amp and cable combo (BEL Mark IV and cardas wire). 
2.  Bel Canto: nothing but good luck with their amps.  

Worst decision: selling the BEL Mark IV

Best decision: Proac 1sc, for my ‘office’ system

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