K-horn won't fit, any other corner speakers recommended for a big room?

I am dealing with two very small corners in a fairly large room that I want to fill with a very open and transparent sound.  I currently have a set of VonSchweikert VR3's in the corners and they sound great on the bottom end, but are lacking the resolve that I am looking for on the top end.  I would like something that is a little less laid back.  As mentioned in the title, I would love to put in a set of Klipschorns but there is a window at each corner that will not allow a K-horn to fit without covering the window.  This is a fairly big room (22 x 30 x9) with three walls of windows and large opening at the back of the room that goes to the kitchen.  Due to WAF, the two corners on the 22' wall are the only locations that are acceptable and yes, my VR3's are about 20' apart.  My listening zone is at about 24-25' away so it works out ok but soundstage and imaging does suffer because of this.  My thoughts are that speakers that are meant to load off the corners of the room and aim towards the center (K-horn) is the correct path for me.  In a perfect world, I would be able to enjoy them at 12' away as well as 24' away.  Currently, my setup actually sounds better at 24'.  Does anyone have suggestions for speakers that are meant to go into a corner or very close to corners?  Ideally, I'd love to get a pair of Maggies because I have always loved them when set up correctly, but I don't know how I could make them work well within my constraints.  One last comment, I still have small kids at home so the wife needs to stay in case that was Option 1.  Anyone ever had this problem to deal with and did you ever solve it?


I should also add, this is my findings with most speakers in corners.😞Sad, but true. 

Volti Audio Rivals. Better than the K horns in just about every way imo. That said, the new K horns do not need to go right in the corners. The design has been slightly modified & efrcticreate their own corners with their new cabinets. 

Thanks mrdecibal. One more if I may: Klipsch Cornwall- okay in corners? I ask because my brother has similar placement restrictions as OP but for different reasons and KHorns won’t be in his budget. But I’d rather know going in than to advise something unlikely to work well


i know the whole point of the name Cornwall is supposedly that they work either in corner or on wall but just wondering if that’s true in practice or merely marketing bluster

As @rooze has commented 

“ I wouldn't put Logans in corners against the wall, nor any other dipole speaker.”

@speed005 … It might help were we to be aware of your budget ?

You might look at Pi Speakers.  A couple of their models are designed to go into corners. 

I first heard the 7 Pi at the Midwest Audio Fest many years ago.  I knew nothing about them and had no idea what was in the room, and from where I had to stand (because of the crowd in the room) I could not see the speakers, but from outside of line-of-sight they sounded absolutely incredible.  My jaw dropped when I was finally able to enter the room far enough to see the speakers.  I had no idea I had been listening to horns.  Designer Wayne Parham is superb, every design I have heard of his has been excellent, but his specialty is (arguably) speakers designed for placement in the corners.
