Yes. I recently purchased a $5500 van den Hul Crimson XGW Stradivarius for $2100. The seller had 100 percent feedback with lots of sales and works at a local hi-fi store. The cartridge if fantastic and if it wasn’t, I’m sure the seller would have made it right, or worst case I could have sent it to Van Den Hul for a very affordable rebuild.
Another time I bought a different Van Den Hul (MC Two Special) and when I received it there was no diamond on the cantilever. The seller (a trusted dealer I have purchased from many times) gave me a full refund and I sent the cart Van Den Hul and had it rebuilt.
I also got a great deal on near perfect Soundsmith Aida II, which again could have been sent to Soundsmith for an affordable rebuild in the worst case.
There's also Andy Kim. I bought a turntable that had a Zu Denon DL 103 on it, which sounded horrible. I sent it to Andy and he confirmed that it had a number of issues on it. After he worked his magic, it is now my 2nd most favorite cartridge at a fraction of the price of a number of other carts I own.
Even in the worst case, with many carts you can have a like new cart for half or less the price of a new one if you're willing to have it retipped.
I did something similar with a Shure V15 that I bought with a broken stylus. I bought a JICO SAS and voila', a great MM for little money.