The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


I received my Purple Fuse on Monday Feb 7th.  It has been playing non stop since.  I noticed my system was more harsh, it was irritating my ears.   Then I remembered I forgot to try it in the other direction.  I did so just now, but I'm not sure I can tell a difference.  Is the difference supposed to be very obvious?   If I ran it the wrong for 72 hours, does that hurt the fuse in any way?

@kclone you did not hurt the fuse but please give it 24 hours, you don’t necessarily even need to play music, just keep the component on which will keep the fuse powered up and listen the next day.

Ted Denney III— Synergistic Research Inc.

Thanks for the response Ted.  I switched it back to the original direction because I couldn't hear a difference.   I already. have 72 hours in that direction, are you saying switch it back to the new direction I just tried today and give that 24 hours?

Hi all, can you tell me if burn in of the purple is linear in the time or did you hear up and down? I will son change à blue for a purple.

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