Oppo UDP-203

I might have an opportunity to trade for an Oppo UDP-203.  Anyone have experience with one for SACD?

My current SACD player is a Pioneer PD-D6-J and it simply can't compete with my current Maverick Audio TubeMagic D2 DAC with WE 396A tube and Sparkos op-amps.

Could I expect the Oppo to be a significant upgrade for my Pioneer?  I know the Oppo UDP-205 was the more audiophile targeted model.


I have a 105, and when Oppo announced they were going to be stopping manufacturing I bought a 203.  It’s been in a secondary system and it definitely bested the previous player, a Sony ES SACD that is pretty highly regarded in this forum.  I actually use the 203 mostly for Blu Rays as the system it resides in is mainly for video.  Occasionally I use its Network function to stream files from my NAS (mainly when the Bluesound Node in the same system decides it doesn’t want to work, which is often).  The 203 front usb panel also will read a 1tb drive I have filled with Historic recordings from Pristine Audio, which from some reason isn’t compatible with my other streamers.

  I use my 105 to output the DSD layer from my large SACD collection into my Bryston DAC 3 over HDMI.  The 105 has a lot more miles on it than the 203 in the secondary system.  If the 105 gives up the ghost I am hoping the much more lightly used 203 can take it place in the two channel system 


When I purchased my Oppo 205 when they first became available, it was a significant upgrade for me over my Sony S9000ES player with respect to SACD performance.  However, the 205 is completely outclassed by the Luxman 06u I upgraded to earlier this year, so there may be other contemporary products that will give you better performance than the 203.  The 203 will most likely give you better performance than your current SACD players at a decent price, if you don't have to pay more than the original 203's list price (about $550 as I recall).

I bought my power supply from Oppomod in Korea, Jae Hong designed and built. It came very quickly and is beautifully built. Works great.
