Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?

Sorry for the question, but I have been hearing good reviews about wilson audio sasha w/p. I am actually convinced to try a new set but hope I can get the negative side so I can come out with a decision that I will not regret in the future.
The main thing for me is that people get honest information. I do not say a 7k speaker is better than a 30k speaker. What is the end results you get? This is what you hear at the end. You want to enjoy you music with your stuff. I visit enough people with expensive stuff and they did not enjoy it. I understood why. They had many times acoustic problems. Or more over they had the wrong combination of equipment. You have to understand all the properties/ talents of every individual part in your system. Only then you can understand how your sound at home is created. Wenn I see how systems of people here at audiogon are combined of. I can see easy the limitations. Because I know the properties. First you need to understan music and how it sounds in real. With this in mind you need to do your work to get the absolute sound with great precision. Wenn you have limitations in your system you can not enjoy your music. Then this can become an obsession. That is why I say: please think well before you buy a speaker. You need to know how it integrates in home situation. And what it needs to be driven well. En what you need to get a musical and involving sound. The tweeter of the sasha is less open and transperent than the ribbon tweeter of the Platinum speaker. It has more authority in the higher freq. So it sounds less harsh. It is that easy.
I found a dealer that carries the P1-200s that's relatively close to me. I will be taking my amp, preamp, and cables to listen to the P1-200s. I'll be sure to provide my honest feedback.
the extra information starting from 16hz-35hz by using the PLW-15 is crucial. It is not only the extra information. Beause I use the PLW15 from 16 hz till 120hz. The integration goes to a touchable level and instruments keep the same proportion as without a subwoofer. Voices and instruments become a lot better in sound as well. Without Audyssey Pro and my way of measering it is not possible to get a full stealth integration. This is the key factor to succes. You even can use it in small rooms without acoustic problems. Normally you would get a lot of acoustic problems wenn music starts at 16 hz.
I do not think Densen is a great match with Monitor Audio. Because it is not able to let you hear the real sound of instruments Pass Labs can give. This is a main propertie in highend sound. You need to be ware of this!
To get everything out of the Pl-200 you need an amp which can give an extreme wide and deep stage. Pass labs is one of the best in this area. Second you need the PLW-15 to strat from 16hz. This is crucial to come to the stunning sound. You need to know all the properties it has to get to this sound. Even Monitor Audio itself is not able to get this level. We had this discussion during the show. Most shows with Monitor Audio use amp's which are not able to get this 3-dimensional sound. They never heard there speakers this good. This means I always can go further then other people can. You also need Audyssey pro and my way of measering to get the full stealth low freq. I will keep this for myself. Even this I will not share with the people of Audyssey. What you can get out of a speaker depends about your knowledge in music and in properties of the equipment you use. For me it is that clear!