Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?

Sorry for the question, but I have been hearing good reviews about wilson audio sasha w/p. I am actually convinced to try a new set but hope I can get the negative side so I can come out with a decision that I will not regret in the future.

I'm putting them in their crates now! To deviate from this thread for a second...I'm thinking about the Audio Research Ref CD8 as my next move...did you compare it to anything else prior to purchase? What source did you own prior to the Ref CD8 and could you describe the changes or your overall impressions of the tonality of the Ref CD8.

Ricred1, happy to oblige and end your suffering. It's the Mother Terresa part of me.

I've had 2 CDPs before the ARC Ref CD-8. My first was a Rega, maybe the Apollo. Then I snatched up an ARC CD-7, which I liked a lot, but I always thought a bit dark.

I had an opportunity to grab a CD-8 for a very good price a while back and I bought it. Definitely a great CDP. It's tonally balanced and does a very nice job overall. I'll dispense with the pedantic adjectives because I'm sure there are tons of other top quality CDPs that may have a different presentation, but are equally good if not better.

I haven't looked back since. More importantly, I am not interested in moving anywhere else. At best, I am NOT convinced it wouldn't be a lateral move. [Sorry for the double negatives.] Of course, it's built like a tank.

If you look at the ARCDB web site, you'll notice the innards of the CD-7 and CD-8 are almost identical. Probably the main change is the DAC. The CD-8 uses a better DAC, a Burr-Brown as I recall.

For the $$$, a very good way to go .... if it matches to your line-stage. If any doubts, call Kal at ARC.


P.S. When can I expect to receive those rotten Wilsons???

LOL ;>)
You have to read more precise. I am just a person who loves audio. There are always many ways what can lead to the absolute sound. At the end it will always be a personal taste. It is about music, this is the essential part of it all. Music can touch your hart.....invloving and musical sound is more important than more resolution and 3d stage. But the last parts can lead to a more stunning and convincing sound.

I'm totally agree with you. No lost your time reading some "nonsense" post. The true is that Wilson Audio is one of the few reality brand that builds reference loudspeakers in all regards. The rest is crap!!
As they say - the company success can be measured by the number of haters ;)

On a serious note - for those looking for a relatively cheap amp that works great with Sasha, I strongly recommend the $3990 Cary SA-200. It is quite powerful (2x200W/2x350W) has no problems driving Sasha, is very smooth and a bit on the warm side. A lovely match, I have used this amp for several months and preferred it to many more expensive designs.

Bo - as you identified yourself as a dealer, selling competing products, you should refrain yourself from further posting in this thread.