Hi Ed,
Regarding DVD-A, DVD-V and SACD multichannel performance, I find the 3910 does a tremendous job. It might just be the subwoofer that gives the player that added rock and roll umph it lacks on straight 2 channel CDs. Or maybe it's the added resolution as I do find SACD and DVD-A 2 channel more "meaty" than the usual CD sound.
Have you investigated the mods and how they work with MCH output? Only the front 2 channels are tubed. The remaining channels benefit only from the PS upgrades unless you opt for the additional "level 2" mods for them. I didn't go this far. Do I miss them? That's hard to say. I doubt my MCH speaker set up is likely to make these mods audible anyway.
Sounds, though, like you might want to go for the MCH mods too.
I have a non modded 3910 that I have in another HT system and I can say that for what ever reasons the modded player has better video performance too. I can only guess it's the upgraded PS at work here.
When my first player arrived DOA I was asked by Glenn to open the unit and do a bit of fault checking. With the top off you can really see the quality of the mods - they look OEM in every way. Whatever happened to the player to kill it you could tell it wasn't an issue with its build, it's all top notch work.
Regarding DVD-A, DVD-V and SACD multichannel performance, I find the 3910 does a tremendous job. It might just be the subwoofer that gives the player that added rock and roll umph it lacks on straight 2 channel CDs. Or maybe it's the added resolution as I do find SACD and DVD-A 2 channel more "meaty" than the usual CD sound.
Have you investigated the mods and how they work with MCH output? Only the front 2 channels are tubed. The remaining channels benefit only from the PS upgrades unless you opt for the additional "level 2" mods for them. I didn't go this far. Do I miss them? That's hard to say. I doubt my MCH speaker set up is likely to make these mods audible anyway.
Sounds, though, like you might want to go for the MCH mods too.
I have a non modded 3910 that I have in another HT system and I can say that for what ever reasons the modded player has better video performance too. I can only guess it's the upgraded PS at work here.
When my first player arrived DOA I was asked by Glenn to open the unit and do a bit of fault checking. With the top off you can really see the quality of the mods - they look OEM in every way. Whatever happened to the player to kill it you could tell it wasn't an issue with its build, it's all top notch work.