I have some Millard Blackburn AX-7 60’s UK product I got from Brent, very sweet sound in my system. Definitely farther back in hall vs Tele or Amperex…
My REF5se is anything but bleached :-) … well at least to my ears…
6H30 replacement
I have looked for a western replacement for the 6H30, but I believe the 6DJ8, 6922 or 7308 would get destroyed because if the high voltage.
this is for a hybrid amp, Pathos Heritage. When I bought the amp, I was told that the voltage was low enough for 6DJ8, 6922 or 7308 but now I am being told otherwise.
I just have no ears for the 6H30s and I want to get them out of my amp if at all possible.
thank you for your help.
@tomic601 I like my seats in the middle center, maybe a touch forward than back, I like to feel the music and look at the musicians expressions. I will look at the 12AX7s, after this roll to my Telefunken 803s and Electro-Harmonix 6H30Pi Gold Pin ARC from Upscale.
indeed jim... one person’s bright and bleached is another person’s transparent and extended one person’s luscious and romantic is another’s muddy and homogenized one person’s lively and fast is another’s strident and zippy this hobby is about defining and realizing one’s personal happiness with the music played, one’s own notion of ’just right’ |