New Synergistic Product: Tuning Discs

I was lucky enough to be asked to try out a prototype of a new Synergistic Research product. For now, I think they are calling it a Tuning disc.

What it looks like is a small wafer (smaller than a dime and is very thin). They are either in gold or purple tops and are attached using some tacking substance. I placed 2 on top of my Shunyata Sigma V2 interconnects.

I wasn’t expecting much but whoa, did these things work! First, I tried the purple on my interconnects and boy did the soundstage widen with lots of air.

Then I tried the gold discs and though the sound stage shrunk perhaps a little but the naturalness of the music was fantastic!


Hard to believe that these things work so well, I am really impressed.




Funny that the posts attacking my character for questioning the truth in advertising of these tweaker products remain, but many of my responses, which never attack anyone personally, but do question the claims of many of these products are often summarily removed. 

Am I bad for Audiogon's business model? Apparently so. Seems cowardly, yes?


I'm. not attacking your character but reading the same criticisms which boil down to. "it can't work", etc in every thread gets old.

@wesheadley :

"I don't understand it, therefore it cannot work, therefore I won't try it."

That’s a very fair and rational decision on a purchase (or lack thereof). We are all adults and make our decisions. Fine. Although they are not available for sale yet to general public.


My question for you is why the tantrum in this thread? You sound angry. Challenging people with bets and all. What are you trying to accomplish? If something does not interest me, I just ignore it, and don’t waste my time on useless discussions about that something. No?




I questioned your thought process and the fact that one only has to “prove” the worth of a tweak to themselves, not to you or anyone else. I do feel humans are capable of making good buying decisions without always, or even mostly, being influenced by placebo and other supposed mental plagues on humanity.

No need to try and prove something to you when in the end it seems all of our reasoning falls short of truth according you your hypothesis. Even blind testing will have “effects” so I just trust my ears and emotional connection to the music over time with my upgrades and tweaks. They will inform me correctly over time. Goodness, if they don’t, then we are all doomed 😬.  I may need a purchasing life coach! 

I don't understand how any of my equipment works...except my Mapleshade stuff which Pierre explained in detail to me long long ago...