Stillpoints Ultra SS under your speakers?


I'd like to hear anyone's experiences with replacing their speaker spikes with the Stillpoint Ultra SS isolation/vibration control devices. I did a search and found a few related threads, but I would like to hear more. I want to try them under my Merlin VSM-M's, and yes I know Bobby will strongly disapprove...
BTW, if it matters, my speakers are on a carpeted suspended wood floor.
I have been using Stillpoints for about a year in my system which comprises YG Carmels, Vitus 025, DCS Puccini and matching word clock,MD 108 and Entreq cables and silver Tellus.
When I put six SS Ultras under the speakers the difference was immediately clear. Reduced noise floor, greater transparency and a distinctly more musical presentation.I now have the SSs under the Vitus and the cheaper Minimus under other components. I have also heard them (Minimus) under less expensive Naim amplifiers and the improvement is significant.
I will upgrade the Minimus to Ultras in the near future.
I understand that YG are not yet sold on the benefits of Stillpoints but my ears tell me they do improve the already excellent sound of the Carmels.
In short see if you can have a demo set if at all possible and I would be surprised if you didn't keep them
Gerald, I'm also using Stillpoints under my YG Carmels, though the AL version, with quite good results. May I ask, are you using posts with them to couple to the speakers, or are they just placed beneath? Are you using them to tilt the speakers back at all? Wood or carpet underneath? Thanks in advance.
Geraldbarry & Richards, initially I used four SP Ultra SSs under my Tidal speakers. I was amazed at the benefit. Shortly thereafter I heard a demonstration of the SSs versus the Ultra Fives and bought 8 on the spot. They are at least five times better than the Ultra SSs.

While the Ultra SSs can be slightly adjusted for height without being threaded into the speakers, the basic Ultra Fives unless they are threaded into the speakers or have the special base, cannot be raised or lowered.
Tbg, I've become a believer in Stillpoints and agree with your comments regarding the Ultra 5's. I recently ordered a pair of Magico S5's and plan to use a set of 3 Ultra 5's with the Ultra bases under each speaker, and plan to buy 2 more sets of 4 Ultra SS to go under my amps. And when I upgrade my source next year, I plan to use a set of 4 Ultra 5's in that application.
Melbguy1, buy two more SP Ultra Fives and compare four of them with three of them. One warning is be certain that all four are in contact between the speakers and the floor. You will keep eight rather than six. Yes, five are even better. Incidentally, this is true also of all components, at least in my experience and yes including the need to make certain that all four are in contact.