I didn’t see any line drawings so I wonder if you went to the right site.
Entering disc sox takes you to mmdesign.com. The company has diversified wildly, probably because there’s only so much money that you can make from selling 6” plastic sleeves.
On the list of products, find “Music CD Storage.” Click more info. At the bottom of the next page you’ll find “CD Standard Plus Sleeves.” $8.95 for 25 That’s all you need They sell lots of fancier versions that I’ve never tried but I’m guessing are more trouble than they’re worth
You do need something to hold the CDs, though As I said, Office Depot (now the Late Office Depot?) sold perfectly sized metal racks. The DiscSox racks are probably fine, I just haven’t tried them.
i have absolutely no affiliation with the company For 20 years I’ve been stunned at what a lousy packaging CDs have traditionally been packed in, and what a simple, elegant solution DiscSox are. Discovering them was a life changing—not to mention space saving—event.