Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


If the infraction was blatant conflict of interest shilling I don't understand why "Effluvium and Fluorocarbon" was not given the death penalty. Just my take. I don't own or run this forum. 


Indeed … I recall him hinting at “ an exciting new direction for him … watch out for updates “ back then …however there has been NO definitive declaration of financial or indentured interest in being a Townshend employee since that date … whereas we have  had no shortage of rabid product placement without disclosure of financial interest even up to the time that he was recently flushed !


If you really want to see his note, just do a search on him woth Townshend and you’ll see it. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have asked him about it.

Would this new entry from Tekton have anything to do with whatever everyone is speculating about?

All the best,

I have yet to spot a single SHILL on AG. The inference is they push a product for some type of compensation and in reality not care or have any interest other than some type of GAIN.

Name ONE that has no interest in the products they push.

Ladies and Gents, there are zero SHILLS allowed on these forums. 

Again name a single person that pushes anything FOR money that they don't like.

NOW if there is another word you want to apply, I'm all for it.

If Mcintosh gave me 100K, 500K a million dollars worth of gear, I'd never SHILL their product because I can't. I LIKE the product.. If you like the product you cannot SHILL it. You can promote it, sell it, or give it away, but you cannot SHILL what you like... 

Is that word that hard understand?

A SHILL sells drugs but doesn't use them personally. THAT is a perfect example of a SHILL. Guess what it carries, a different sentence too.

One they are referred to rehab one they are referred to prison. I'd say there is a difference. You better be using dope if your sellin' dope. 

Dope addict, dope pusher. No time vs 5 years..

This is the 5th or 6th time I've said the same thing. Show me the BEEF.

That will give me a reason (at least) to be jealous and call others names because they act like little kids when they get a new toy.. Let people have fun and learn. I call that young enough to give a crap and not smart enough to know the difference yet.. "LIFE"

Dishonest intentions reveal themselves. Has anybody not got their money back EVER? Speak up, has anyone ever got screwed over by and told "I SCREWED YOU OVER" by any AG poster?

SR, Townshend, Tekton, NASA or any body else? I'm just askin'?

I never met a person I didn't like, but what they say does bear some scrutiny. I'm not one bit different.

Call ME what I am, not you think I am. You can always tell a tree by it's fruit. Makes you wonder why some tree exist at all? I Just saw one that spits 2" thorns out.. and a monkey can't climb. Crappy back scratcher too.