Audio nonsense

In this wonderful world of audio that we journey through folks selling stuff have sometimes been inventive in what they claim. In your trip down this road what sticks out as the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell? 

I can point to 2 things. When I first saw a Tice clock in a store I thought it was a gag. Next- Peter Belt. 


easy peasy...12 dots   but they are jumpy little buggers.



Thanks @grannyring . I've looked at it but haven't joined yet. You are correct about this forum. Used to be among the best. Now, just a bunch of people who have no real commitment to even try for the best they can afford. just a bunch of whiners.


same people either don’t have an audio system that can benefit using better products (cMost of these ables for example), don’t have the money or refuse to spend money on better equipment, or can’t hear. There are a few sites that throw out the term “snake oil” on cables that cost over $50 but these same people don’t use the $1 cables that come with their equipment, they use a $25-$50 cable instead. So if these audiophools can hear a difference between the $1 cable and their exotic $25 cable, why do they think technology stops at $25? Or at $50? Makes no sense


Very true statement. They think because their phone or Ipad plays music they are an audiophile.

NFTs are one of those things that renew my long held belief that people are in general ignorant and essentially grabbing at straws in the short time available to them as breathers.  Just when you think it couldn't get dumbed down to a new level!




BTW I had a top tier Luxman receiver in the 80's. I hated it. Sounded awful. So apparently Luxman is Audio Nonsens too. Unlike the nonsensical posters here,  I actually experienced the Luxman.

@artemus_5 I actually experienced the Luxman.

So you’ve had better?

Non fungible tokens. They are something created in cyberspace and they have no intrinsic value except that people with too much money sometimes pay a lot of money for them and some people get very rich selling them. Getting any vibes?