The FMC-fiber-FMC experiment is over for me. It was a definite net negative to sound quality in my system. I don’t know why that happened while almost everyone else reported good results because it was the exact opposite for me. I gave it 4 days of 24x7 powered up and 14 hours of listening time. Although it did improve a little with burn-in it remained very tilted-up sonically with almost no bass. Even worse, the center soundstage was very thin. Anemic even. It was like listening to Army of Darkness musicians. I went back to my old config and within minutes music had soul and fleshiness and weight and 3-dimensions again.
I’m posting to let future readers know that your results may be system dependent. But it was an interesting experience!
Also, my system has a Node 2i with the power board upgrade modification and a Mean-Well medical grade SMPS. There’s 130 hours play time on the mod and 24x7 powered up for over a month. It needed that. I’ve found the mod to result in much better detail. Maybe the combination of that mod with the FMC didn’t work out even though it all went into a Chord Qutest DAC and a fully tubed int amp.