The 6000N has an excellent DAC, better than the Node 2 or 2i. I hear the Node software is better. The 6000N uses DTS Play-fi as an interface for all services but does not do gapless. But, if using Spotify, the 6000N by-passes the DTS Play-fi and uses "Spotify connect" which is gapless. Gapless to me is very important.
I’d go for the 6000N if streaming Spotify (for the Spotifyconnect/Gapless support), Node if streaming Tidal (cuz the node is Gapless what ever service you use,, I've been told, not actually experienced).
The 6000N may update software in the near future to include Tidal connect in which case I definitely go for the 6000N, such a good DAC in it and unit as a whole. I don't like the form factor of the Node.