Bluesound Node or Audiolab 6000N

I am interested in adding a streaming source to my system.  I will use it to stream high rez music, particularly master quality from Tidal.  It will be connected to my home network via ethernet cable and to my preamp via analog output.  I have no desire for multiroom or whole house integration.

At first I had my eye on the Bluesound Node because the price point was very attractive to me.  However, the Audiolab 6000N is no discounted to $499 which puts it around $100 cheaper the the Bluesound.  Any advice on which one I sound consider?  One thing I've noticed is that the Bluesound has a higher resolution at 384khz vs 192khz for the Audiolab.  Also, an outboard DAC isn't in the plans for the near future, so which streamer has the superior built-in DAC factors into the equation.

Also, if anyone has any other recommendation on streamers in the same price range as the two mentioned above, feel free to chime in.




Any streamer can do digital just fine.  

You need to look at the DAC and the interface.

I used node for a while, it was ok with an external DAC. The onboard DAC is poor.

Most interfaces are not well set up in my opinion.  Tidal was barely ok which is better than most. 

I ended up with Roon which is good. 

Most important part of a streaming system is a DAC.  I spent about 10x on my DAC what I spent on my streaming system.

i would assume the audiolab 6000n shares the same inner workings as the streamer function of the 6000a integrated unit... maybe i am wrong - but this may be worth watching


The newest Node’s DAC is significantly better than the 2.1. With a good PC and good interconnects it does a great job overall. The Blue OS is also really easy to use/setup. A decent system IMO.

My Hegel amp has streaming built in, but not gapless. I’m in the same position and I just ordered the new Node 2 (N130). It’s supposed to be here Wednesday. I’ll let you know.

All the best.


The 6000N has an excellent DAC, better than the Node 2 or 2i. I hear the Node software is better. The 6000N uses DTS Play-fi as an interface for all services but does not do gapless. But, if using Spotify, the 6000N by-passes the DTS Play-fi and uses "Spotify connect" which is gapless. Gapless to me is very important.

I’d go for the 6000N if streaming Spotify (for the Spotifyconnect/Gapless support), Node if streaming Tidal (cuz the node is Gapless what ever service you use,, I've been told, not actually experienced).

The 6000N may update software in the near future to include Tidal connect in which case I definitely go for the 6000N, such a good DAC in it and unit as a whole. I don't like the form factor of the Node.

Go to Safe and Sound. they have a lot of bluesound open boxes and refurbished. I love mine and am using it with my Denafrps Ares II. Great sounding combo.

I find BluOS to be the best app / computer interface, even better than Roon. It feels the most like the native Spotify/Tidal/Qobuz app.  I use the Node as a streamer into a Denafrips Aeries II which i think is a nice upgrade from the internal DAC.

I just helped a friend install his node 2.0 with the upgraded dac. He had the same concerns about form factor, dac and interface. He was also not a computer or tablet heavy user and had no streaming service at all. So, he loves the quboz interface through blu os on his tablet. The streaming is flawless, He loves the ease of listening to streaming music variety now. The form factor looks fine on top of his Mcintosh rack, Most importantly, the DAC was really quite good. A/B comparisons with the dac in his McIntosh CD player are good. So far, its simply a matter of taste and music. The McIntosh is a touch warmer in my opinion and I prefer the node Dac (closer to my system) in my brief listening sessions but it really comes down to taste. I really need to hear some live music again to re calibrate tho! An additional benefit to the blu os ecosystem is that his wife now wants a blu os speaker for the kitchen to play her playlist and radio stations....So the two systems can be in sync if need be. FYI, the dealers advice has been spot on so far. They thought the Node Dac would be better or at least as good as his McIntosh CD front end. Further steps would be to upgrade his Dac with their recommendation of a Chord Dac as his next upgrade. My bottom line the current Node is a great value and the just announced upgraded node for spring are about features that he would not use.

@tcatman  or anyone -  What Bluesound node upgrade announcements have been made for 2022 spring release? Just curious as I'm contemplating a purchase. If you have a link to the announcement, I would appreciate it.

I'm not impressed with Play-Fi and personally I will avoid it moving forward. The new Node seems like a tough act to follow and recent threads say it's onboard dac is better than ever. I'd go in that direction, thinking of picking one up for the office system.

No experience with Audiolab. The Nodes BluOS software has been rock solid IME with a UI that’s better than most. As others have mentioned, if you have Tidal you can use Tidal Connect which allows you to stay within the Tidal app to stream vs using the BluOS UI. When you add it all up, the Node is just an extremely hard product to beat at that price point.

I want to thank all those who have responded.  Your responses have been helpful.  I apologize that I haven't been able to reply to individual posts. 

I am now leaning heavily towards the Node.

I doubt there will be much, if any significant changes to the Node this year. Maybe some other lines (power node etc). The Gen 3 Node just released last year.

Update - Oct 25 2022 


As of Sept 2022,  Audiolab have upgraded software that now support gapless playback for their newest products, but not the 6000N .


Today (Oct 25 2022) Audiolab support stated that a new software update coming soon will uograde the 6000N to gapless playback.


from Audiolab:

"The Audiolab 6000A Play and Audiolab Omnia now both support Gapless streaming, Audiolab 6000N Play Gapless support coming soon in next Play-Fi update this will be rolled out automatically via the Play-fi app."


Kind Regards

Steve Hughes

Helpdesk Technical Advisor

IAG HOUSE, Audiolab

My understanding is that gapless equates to no pause between songs. If you’re listening to say, Nirvana Unplugged (live album), there’s no pause between tracks which helps retain the ambiance of the performance vs being reminded that you’re listening to a recording. More knowledgeable people - feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. Most CD players support gapless play per Google and my recollection.

Hmm, thanks, what will they fine to complain about next. Every live performance I have ever been to,  there was a gap between songs. 

I like my BS Node alot... the BlueOS is excellent, easy to use and set up... I have had the Node up since 4th of July weekend.... not once has there been an issue in streaming, not a single drop...and I listen to alot of Live Music on Qobuz... the gapless playback is a MUST feature...

Based on your description the BS is an easy decision to make..