The Best Preamp is no Preamp?

So recently I've discovered the possibility of completely removing my preamp from my rig. I've never heard or considered this before, so much audio tradition... But in going directly from DAC to amplifier the sound quality is absolutely incredible, instantly had me grinning. Using music server to Chord M Scaler to Chord Qutest (cut out Marantz SR5015) to go directly to dual Emotiva XPA-DR1 monoblocks, to GR Research's 24 strand speaker wire to Magnepan 1.7i's.  Only difference is running volume on server vs Marantz remote, sound quality is the biggest jump I've ever heard with any gear.

Have you guys had experience cutting out the preamp from your rig? What's your thoughts?



fully agreed: twenty years ago I replaced a Graaf 13.5B with a simple Modsquad passive feeding a Graff GM20. The phono stage was a Zyx Artisan and digital was a then state of the art dac. Ever since I have gone either passive or direct from the DAC.If the source has sufficient voltage at adequate impedance additional pre circuitry is simply detrimental.

I currently have a VTA SP12(bob latino) It is currently running passive buffer with 12AU7 Tungsol. All it takes is change one wire and I could have active. It has remote volume, but I doubt it’s anything special.  @ozzy what is your definition of "good" amp?  Thanks

I just re-read the post and realized the OP was using a damn AVR as a preamp.  And not just any AVR, but a Marantz AVR which, IME is one of the most veiled and colored AVRs out there.  So no wonder when the OP heard the detail and transparency of going direct to the amp he found it revelatory.  My advice would be to demo some good stereo preamps and see if they improve things further — my experience is likely they will.  Also, at some point gotta upgrade from those Emotiva  amps, which aren’t worthy of a good stereo pre IMHO.  My $0.02 FWIW. 

After purchasing the Lumin X1, I realized how much cleaner, open and dynamic the sound can be without a preamp.

I ended up selling my Ayre KX-20 preamp along with all the extra cables, footers and streamlined my system.
