The New Lampizator Horizon DAC

On Saturday, I was lucky enough to be invited to the unofficial launch of the all-new Lampizator Horizon DAC in Los Angeles.  I have a Pacific and love it but I was intrigued to experience whether the Horizon was that much better.  So, My wife and I drove the 6 hours from Arizona to attend.  

The event had about 18 people in attendance and featured Lukasz Fikus, the owner and brains behind Lampizator.  We had a 5-hour listening session which included direct A/B comparisons between the Pacific and the Horizon, operating the Horizon without a preamp, and finally tube rolling.

My impressions were the Lampizator created a DAC that could change people's minds on comparing digital to vinyl,  The amount of detail, smoothness, clarity, speed was incredible.   For those interested in tube rolling the options are almost endless and I heard firsthand many different tube combinations which changed the SQ of the music.  Finally, at the end of the session, we ran the Horizon without a preamp.  The preamp used in the system was Lamm and the whole system was well over $700k.  So we are talking about a very high-end component grouping.   IMO, the Horizon DAC delivered about 95% of the sound without a Preamp.  It was super hard to discern any differences in SQ.

This DAC was so good that I ended up ordering one.  For anyone going to the Tampa Audio show, Lukasz Fikus will be there to officially launch the Horizon to the world this weekend.  It is definitely worth a listen.



thing is there is trickle down…..Even a $3-$4k Lampizator ( yes i own one ) can run circles around many of the DAC dejour so favored here…

should we set a bottom limit also with our first world beer and pretzel crowd ?

@baylinor nice system, many  people would consider it over the top excess…. where shall we set the limit…again ?

I remember the days when Lampizator used to look like DIY Stuff from a garage, When i looked into that DAC and APL the APL Dac were years ahead in build and Tech. This is not trashing anyone. However, If i was to spend this kind of money again on DACS I would seriously now Consider the Aries Cerat stuff as well.

When it comes to Dacs the Software is as much important as the hardware. Look at Playback Design PD8 Series the Dream Series engineered by one of the guys who literally invented the DSD and the DSD Recording machines. The very guy who is hired by many other audio companies to write codes for them.

Andreas sticks to FPGA, the Dac has a life span of 12-14 years because he can constantly improve the codes every few months.



Thanks for complimenting my system but reality is the ENTIRE analog and digital rigs come in under $50,000. However I spent a pretty penny on building the house of stereo and its acoustic treatments. Which by the way is why I can do away with a $50,000 DAC 🙂