2:00 a.m. listening at Noon!

I have always said that my system is at its absolute best after midnight. I hear more detail and the sound stage is wider and even higher. I have read that this is more than likely because the power grid is quieter at this time. I recently purchased a Furman PST-8 power conditioner/surge protector with LiFT technology. I also purchased a Greenwave Filter because I saw a video on Youtube where the Furman PST-8 did clean up the power some but not much, about a 36% reduction in line noise using a meter. When a Greenwave filter was plugged into the Furman all of the free outlets on the Furman showed a 97% reduction in line noise. At lunch today I sat down and listened to my system with the Furman PST-8 and Greenwave filter. Wow! It was like it was 2:00 a.m.! Detail, sound stage and imaging were all improved. I wish I would have done this sooner!


@baclagg, congratulations on finding something that increases your musical enjoyment.  Not as sexy as a new pair of speakers,but effective. 

I got the same results with my AQ Niagara 1200 power conditioner. Any time of the day sounds the same now.

All the best,