A Suggestion Regarding Removal Of Posts

Three suggestions for providing greater transparency in why certain actions are taken. 

When a post is removed from a thread it now reads "Post Removed" followed by the date.  I suggest it should include who the poster was and the reason why the post was removed.

A thread could be terminated, but not removed.  The moderates should be able to stop any new posts from being added to a thread, but the thread should be available for viewing and archived.

Lastly, give the starter of a thread and only the starter the option of removing posts from that thread because they are "Off Topic".  The OP can help by stating right at the start what they consider "Off Topic".  The person who posted the "Off Topic" post can be given the option of staring a new thread.

Just a few thoughts with the intent of making Audiogon More Friendly Again!


People make mistakes and should be allowed to delete their own posts

within say the 1st 2-3 days.

I keep on hearing Audiogon used to be a very good site.  The current moderator may be a despot?  I posted this below, got removed.  It was not spam, abusive, explicit, nor does it contain profanity.  Could not figure it out.  Can't even freaking ask a question anymore.




There are certain hot buttons with the moderators. For instance, if you are on the wrong side of discussions about certain preventive medical procedures. 

Ignorance is bliss. I have no idea how/when/why/by whom posts or threads are removed, or can be removed. Only that they sometimes are removed, thereby nullifying whatever value they may have had. Spam, okay, in an abundance of caution. But abuse, violence, profanity are all subjective. Ever hear debate in the House of Commons? Extreme abuse, but redeemed by wit. (Wit is the savior of valuable expression against humorless censors, as in the case of "Bigger, Longer, and Uncut"). Violence? Has anyone seen crosshairs superimposed on a member's name or image? Not I. Profanity? Puh-leeze. Whatever isn't "sacred" is by definition "profane" (secular). Is Agon supposed to be a church or something? If so, I missed the warning.