Are you pairing Tube Preamp/Line Stage with Class D Power Amp?

If yes, what have you liked? I'm curious about other Class D amps now that I found one I like. I have a Marantz Ruby integrated. I put it in Power Amp mode and plopped a wonderful Doge Audio Clarity Preamp in front of it.  

The tube pre really opened up the soundstage further--great combo.  

I'm wondering about moving the Ruby to a second system and finding a different Class D or SS amp.  

PS There was a similar thread from 2019 but it only registered a handful of responses.  Maybe more folks have come around to Class D and have played with putting tubes in front of one. 


Not yet, but I have a couple of class-D, so it is on the list of things to do.

I have the AGD Audion mono blocks. I have used the Vinnie Rossi LIO DHT, LTA Micro ZOTL and also use the Backert Labs Rhythm 1.3 preamps. All sound great with different flavors. The LIO DHT presents a wonderful holographic sound stage. The MZ and Rhythm have bass slam and dynamics. These are three fantastic preamps and there is no doubt about the ability of the AGD class D amps. 

Maybe more folks have come around to Class D and have played with putting tubes in front of one. 

They have 😀

Hi Ralph!  That is good to hear. 

Also, I would love to try your Class D amp.  Is it ready for the public?  I know you were working hard on it. 

One of the best pairings I've had for class D is Cherry Amp's.  They have a more unique signature to the sound, they aren't off the shelf amps or modules and were all designed by Tommy.

Paired with a Schiit Freya + but it needed a better preamp to really shine, I tried my friend's BAT VX3ix tube pre-amp and it really started to shine!