Why don't you like Mageplanar speakers?

Popular as they are, some serious listeners do not like the sound of Magnepans.
If you are one of these, why not tell us what you don't like about them?
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Bass violin, Tuba, Organ's low notes are the instrument no Maggies will ever play even dropping the fact about 'slam'.
Stand near a tympani, conga, bass drum, low note organ pipe register, etc. and tell me that the perception of bass physicality is "bogus."??? No one's talking about shaking your neighbor's car windows down the block, just attaining a sense of realistic acoustic energy energy in a room at normal levels. I think most who've listened to Maggies long feel that they have to be listened to rather lively volume levels get them to sound alive and fully present. Elizabeth's living situation makes what is a deficit for me a positive for her. Different strokes for different folks, etc.
Adding a couple of Vandy subs(the fastest ones) may rectify their negatives tho.
I need good deep bass and dynamics for my listening preferences. Maggie's don't cut it for classic rock.