High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


When I saw the q45st is $349 , I said to myself it’s crazy to buy it? Now after applying it on my system? I said it’s crazy not to buy it. 😀

@jayctoy That’s great to hear.  It’s a great stuff, and I’m happy for us all.

You guys are applying the Q45T way faster than me, LOL because I’m still at the speaker cables ends and my Lumin streamer’s 8-pin power cable. Evtime I’m in my listening room for a quick listening, I’m stuck to the chair and not wanting anything else. It’s that great.

For the crazies, do y’all know that the 1260 can also be applied between metal connectors around speakers’ Cross-over and inside your electronics, right?

Amps, preamps, CDPs, streamers, Pwr Conditioners, and many more. Power them off, be careful and have some fun with it.


Yes John I tried it on my phono preamp to preamp there’s huge improvement as well. It woke up my third system analog set up, Tommorow I will start applying on the sources of my second system...then on my main system on Saturday .

I have applied the Q45 to my speaker cables.  After 2 hours, I can report that I am very happy with the purchase.  Improved texture and detail are easily apparent.

the website says 24 to 48 hours of break in will occur.  I was planning to do a little bit every week but it seems that some are doing everything at once.  The improvement was so nice that it is tempting to do everything at once but am wondering if it makes sense to go in stages in case too much becomes overwhelming 

@sruffle Yes, Just to be on the safe side?

Apply slowly and 1 location at a time and watch "your child" grows. LOL

Monitor it and take notes for each of those locations

If you do all at 1 time ...the fun can soon be over. And, if there are side effects, you won’t know which locations to look into first.