Which Preamp with JC5? Rogue Audio RP-9 or Parasound JC2

I’m deciding which preamp to use with a Parasound JC5 Amp: JC2 or RP-9?

I’m looking for a spacious, 3D, holographic presentation. I like to fuse the euphonic tube characteristics with the extended frequency response, detail, and dynamics of solid state. I’ve decided on a JC5 Amp, but I’m wondering which preamp will excel in these characteristics, the JC2 or RP-9?

I had a demo Pass XP-22 and X250.8 in my listening room for 2 weeks. It sounded stellar, everything you could want in the sonic department, but the XP-22 required the volume to be turned up 75% to achieve moderate listening levels, which introduces slight noise. The X250.8 developed wobbly XLR connectors after the third IC hook up. I was told that connectors can wobble to break up cable stress - hogwash for a $14k system! I returned the Pass system at a $700 loss. Horrible experience with QC.

I’m ready to try again, this time with a Parasound JC5 and a new preamp. I’ve heard they have no QC issues with the JC5 or JC1+. 

I do have other tube equipment to compare and test the JC5. A Don Sachs 6SN7-based Custom Linestage, Kootenay 120 KT88 Amp, and the Manley Chinook phono stage provide tube galore.



So, I gotta ask — what are you looking to improve upon over the Sachs pre?  I’d think that’d deliver everything you’re looking for. 


Thanks again for your thoughts regarding coupling caps! Definitely got me thinking again on the modern Rogue gear.

This may not be helpful due to the cost involved, but since you mentioned this your opening post:

I like to fuse the euphonic tube characteristics with the extended frequency response, detail, and dynamics of solid state.

The Audio Research Reference 6 is the line stage which comes by far closest to this sonic ideal, imo and experience. The older top Rogue 6H30 preamps Athena & Hera also succeed at this, to a lesser degree. 

Regarding the Rogue Stereo 100, it is far from dark. I’ve had one for a few years powering Legacy Signature SE (before that Tannoy X8TF), and it is dynamic, transparent, extended and accurate in the treble, and accurate and tight basswise (for a tube amp.) Avanti1960 issues with the ST100 was likely system specific. I abhor "dark" amps and I’ve never heard anyone describe the ST100 as dark. On the RP7, I’ve recently sent mine in for an upgrade to an RP9, so we’ll see how she goes.

@gakerty i think it’s another thread and OP that didn’t like the Rogue Stereo 100. I got a bit confused myself. And I agree everything I’ve heard from others and experienced myself indicates that the ST100 should be a stellar amp choice for many.

Soix, I love the Don Sach Model 2 Preamp. It’s part of an all-tube analog system for LPs. I also feed it CDs and it sounds superb. I’m just looking for another system in a different room to replace my Odyssey Dual Mono Statos and Tempest Preamp. I thought a tube preamp mated to a solid state JC5 might be nice. Since I’ve made 4 pairs of high-end speakers, I love swapping speakers, components and cables.

Mulveling, at $14k, the AR Ref 6 is a little more than I’d like to spend. However, I wouldn’t rule it out for the future.

Thanks everyone!