chorus, as always with purchases the choice is up to you. But please consider these two points.
#1, I can't imagine ANY Sony receiver producing the potential sonics of that speaker. During the 19 years with my Duntech Princess I tried several well-regarded amps, but with mixed reactions. After a few trials I settled on a pair of VTL 300 mono amps with KT-90 outputs. During that period I had the chance to audition a passive bi-amping set up with the 300s driving the woofers and a pair of VTL 225 mono amps on the mids and tweeters. The overall presentation, with dynamics, soundstaging, bass impact, etc, was almost unbelievable. Unfortunately four amps and 32 output tubes was not a reasonable answer for me. But then a pair of Parasound JC-1 mono amps was my final solution. That provided up to 800 watts into the 4 ohm load, what did that Sony have?
#2, John Dunlavy was a very bright designer. I hope you read the Stereophile interview posted above. Is it reasonable to assume any of us without close to his background could near-equal his designs with home built speakers?
Anyway, good luck to you in finding your answer.