Over the years, I have discovered that the most valuable tool in my toolchest is intellectual humility.
I've been dragged kicking and screaming by friends and professional associates to audition gear that pegged the needle on my BS meter. I found some of those concepts to be downright insulting and refused to expend a molecule of mental energy or one-minute of my precious time with someone else's fantasy. After being shamed for months (or, years) into atleast sitting down for a couple of minutes, with a great degree of skepticism, my eyes (and, ears) were opened. Me, and my system, are better for it.
I once had a customer walk in and ask for a "Paragraphic Frequalizer". I'm pretty sure a case of Dyslexia was kicking in here. But, if I ever came across a Paragraphic Frequalizer, it might be fun to mess around with in my spare time.
Have fun.