Audio nonsense

In this wonderful world of audio that we journey through folks selling stuff have sometimes been inventive in what they claim. In your trip down this road what sticks out as the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell? 

I can point to 2 things. When I first saw a Tice clock in a store I thought it was a gag. Next- Peter Belt. 



STILL missing the point ......


Happy delusions to all who believe :)





Earlier in the post I referred to intellectual humility, and how items and/or technology that I thought were bogus, when finally given a fair audition, took me by surprise and became solid performers in mine (and other) systems.  It seems that some fail to acknowledge that there may be a gap in their knowledge base and there may be something to learn.  Perhaps even from others.  This is all fine and good until they invalidate the reality and perception of others in the most stingent terms.  The absoluteness of their belief systems are a bit stunning at times.  Particularly when you see them mock and ridicule both the product and the consumer when those product categories have become wildly successful while offering extremely high performance/cost value to the end user in many cases.  The "Bumble Bee" ignores the observations of others and adheres to the disciplines that have served them well even when those disciplines betray the most basic simple real life obervations shared by a vast number of qualified participants.  Unfortunately, it does take the fun out of a hobby.  Especially amoung those who are very happy with their choices.

I'd also like to formally acknowedge the presence of "creative marketing" and existence of devices that are, for lack of a better word, fraudelent.  This forum may be a good source to flush out the pretenders from legitimate products.  I would feel more comfortable if we approach these in a case-by-case basis and invite the group to post comments, both positive and negative about their experiences with the items, rather than preclassify the item as "nonsense" before the discussion begins.


Well done.  It appears that your "antenna" is very sensitive and your perceptions are right on.


Post removed 

Happy delusions to all who believe :)

and therefore won‘t uncover their ears ? - shame really

dogged belief can both impair sound judgement and stifle innovative thought