bellari Pa 532 passive preamp question.

Can i hook up a tube phono stage to a passive preamp? My amp is a emerald physics Speakers are mark audio p12 .thank you.


I have a Passive Slagle AVC as a standby Pre-Amp and have had a DACT and a DIY built Passive Stepped Attenuators on Standby as well.

All of these have been coupled to Valve Input/Output, Valve Hybrid and SS Phonostages.

My experiences has been that these types of Standalone Volume Controls when used in my system, are presenting a colour/deterioration to the SQ to varying degrees of being noticeable and can become detractors when detected, and as a result are not my daily used devices, as I am attracted toward a SQ that is transparent. 

With your Power Amp being Class D, it might take a few demonstrations of differing Pre Amp Types along with your Phon' and Power Amp's before the marriage of the devices offers something to really satisfy your tastes.    


what type of passive? Autoformer or resistors?

what type of resistor attenuator? Series, Ladder, or Shunt?

input and output impedance of attenuator? At what frequency?

output impedance of phono?

input impedance of amplifier?