Wilson Sabrina (not X), Sonus Faber Nova 2, or Vandersteen Treo CT

I have McIntosh a c49 pre and mc152 amp. Trying to decide on speakers. I have narrowed down my choices to Wilson Sabrina (not X), Sonus Faber Nova 2, or Vandersteen Treo CT. Only got to listen to the SF's. I would like to hear your options on which to purchased.


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When I decided to replace my Vandersteen 2ci speakers Johnny R recommended used 2012 Treo Non-CT speakers over new Vandersteen 2 speakers. In my room the Treo speakers go to 23 HZ before output declines (measured using REW and an Umik-1). In fact, the Treo speakers have a nice bass bump below 100 Hz or so. I am using an ancient 2w sub to reduce bass. The amplifier is an Aragon 8008x5.     


i have no idea what you might like... if it were me, my taste, my experience, my musical taste i would pick vandersteen