Let me post another and different question than one on unipivots, that may be less controversial. At the worst I can probably solve that issue with the VPI dual pivot mod mulveling suggested.
Mijostyn mentioned early on this thread, and above, there is a substantial monetary premium to pay for selecting a MC type cartridge, due to the popularity of MC’s. So today I began researching MI cartridges as suggested. With a budget in mind of three to four thousand dollars, do you think I should categorically be able to purchase a substantially better cartridge going the MI route? Or might it rather be more a matter of preference due to how each sounds.
The Soundsmith site lists a well reviewed MI cartridge called the PAUA MK II ES at $4000. Do any of you know how might compare with similarlly priced MC cartidges such the Hana Umani Red, Lyra Kleos, Van den Hull Frog, Charisma Audio Signature, Koetsu Rosewood Standard, Benz Micro Ebony. or others similarly priced. If MI cartridges are relatively speaking a much better value without a built in markup, it appears you could get much better cartridge at the same price with an MI. What do you think? Is that overly obvious or too simplistic? Any advice and guidance would be appreciated. Thanks all,