High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


Posted to High Fidelity Cables website- appreciate any input/opinion for forum members:

"Own and use NPS-1260. Considering NPS-Q45T, but have a few questions: The Q45T description says "not to disturb the connection"- I was told that 1260 applied connections could be removed and re-seated as long as there was visual evidence of proper 1260 coverage. Is Q45T different in that regard? This is relevant as I rotate gear in my system occasionally. Second- should all 1260 be removed prior to Q45T application? This seems difficult, if not impossible, because of solution residue, such as in female connector where 1260 was applied to the male connector. It was suggested that full benefit of 1260 might take up to 6 weeks- is that the same time frame for the Q45T? Finally, will there be videos showing proper application of the new formula? Thanks!"

I cannot help much here @crummwoody as I never had 1260 (Just did the NPS-Q45T recently), but my guess is the application videos should be identical. 

If you rotate gear often, don’t use them (1260 or Q45T) yet because they aren’t cheap (unless they are not cheap for you). Just wait until you settle then give them a try. However, like me and many others here, your curiosity got over you and want to try them? fully apply them in a very thin layer as possible between 2 metal surfaces of the connectors. Avoid gaps.

If removed or disrupted those bonds, re-coat again in a very thin layer.

Yes, you can apply Q45T over 1260 and they can still go together. However, wipe off 1260 before applying Q45T will give you more accurate of Q45T’s sounding signature. In my opinion, the Q45T is better than 1260. It gives me more music so I personally wipe off 1260.

Great luck and have fun with it.

Good to have opinions, but to be clear, High Fidelity Cables (HFC) wrote that one could disconnect and re-connect without re-application of 1260.  To quote the company: "We move cables around often and find that a re-application is not always necessary. In fact, it is maybe every 3rd or 4th disconnection that we will treat again. We recommend evaluating the remaining visible NPS-1260 and re-applying if it shows to be diminished" HFC 9/10/21.  My question was whether Q45T was different in this regard.


My whole system was treated with 1260 and really enjoyed it. I am slowly changing to the Q45t. Right now i am about at 55% with Q45t in the system and 45% with the 1260. They do work well together (not on the same end of wire). The 1260 wipes off fairly easy with a soft cloth. I only had one connection where it was hard to get off. The 1260 does need to be reapplied several times if you are moving things in and out on a regular basis. Unplug something once or twice and repluge it did not effect the sound for me. Doing it more than that and i would reapply 1260. I have not tried it yet, but i am sure the Q45t should be about the same. The longer you leave it in placed the better the sound.

Good luck