How to turn on Unity Gain on Pre Amp

I have a setting on my Lumin S1 streamer regarding a volume setting that I wanted to give a try. Can anyone please tell me how to set the McIntosh C2500 preamp to the suggested unity setting? I assume it would be a different term in the McIntosh manual. PS the Lumin has no remote so the McIntosh remote would still have to control the volume. Thanks



The best way to hear what the LEEDH processing is really doing is to bypass your preamp completely. Going forward, I intend to only use a preamp for my vinyl front end. Digital is going directly into the amp.

thanks for input all, i’ll check HT bypass. I am running dual subs so eliminating the pre is not a great option. at this point i’m wanting get the best test i can with the leedh with preamp in place and see what i hear. I can’t help it go down the rabbit hole a bit but the truth of the matter is I would prefer to maintain using my preamplifiers remote control as opposed to the iPad through the lumin app or roon app. if I like what I heard I can investigate the LUMIN remote but I’m not sure how that would integrate with and everything though?

Can't find HT bypass mentioned in the owner's manual. Is tone bypass the same thing? below is the section from the manual 

Tone Bypass Press the Front Panel Tone BYPASS Push-button to remove the C2500 Tone Circuitry from the signal path for the currently selected Input Source. The LED above the TONE BYPASS Push-button will illumi�nate. Refer to figure 50. The C2500 remembers for each selected Input whether the Tone Control Circuit�ry is deactivated. To reactivate the Tone Control for the currently selected Input Source press the TONE BYPASS Push-butto