Audio diffuser

Just wondering if I used a group of wood silverware trays hooked together  would it work to diffuse high frequency  sound. Depth is about 2 inches . I don't need to diffuse  any bass sound. Thoughts?


In college we used egg cartons pinned to the wall… the cardboard kind. I can’t believe I remembered that. Wow, that was 1972. So, we knew about acoustic treatments back then. Cinderblocks and wood planks for book shelves, a wood door for a desk…. What a long strange trip it has been. 

cut trail…try it out…

but …broadband diffusers work on the fundamentals and the overtones…. so …

@knighttodd - if they work in making your system sound any better, I for one would like to know about it??!!!

I've just been building these, they're four inches deep and I still haven't put a finish on the first six I have made. I need a whole lot more for my back wall, as they're 1' by 4' tall.

Folded well diffusers if you're into DIY at all? (this is without the end cap to show the folded well. 4 inches deep, and the narrower wells make for a shorter distance for optimum listening distance from the diffusers. The design is available online for free:

@knighttodd - disclaimer: I haven't actually heard them in my room as yet. I do  have a thread about them, and the claims of use is on the website I listed above.
They look the business lined up, fingers crossed on sound.

@rixthetrick  from what I understand you don't need them for the back wall. That should be for absorption.  Front wall on the ceiling and at points of first reflection. What you are doing is impressive. I don't have the tools to build my own. With the trays it would be about 54 inches tall and 36 inches wide behind each speaker. All in money wise about $240.00.